(Rangely, CO)

Daily Mass:

Monday at 11:00 am
Tuesday morning at 7:00 am

Sunday Mass:
English Mass at 11:00 am


30 Minutes before all Weekend Masses or by Appointment


First Sunday of Every Month

from 12-1:00 pm

(Craig, CO)

Daily Mass:

Monday – Friday
8:30 am (English)

En Espanol
Tuesday/Thursday at 6:00 pm
Wednesday at 7:45 am

Saturday (Anticipatory):
English Mass at 5:30 pm;

Misa en Espanol a las 7:15 pm
Sunday Mass:
English Mass at 9:00 am;

Misa en Espanol a las 10:30 am;

Adoration and Confessions:

Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

from 5-6:00 pm

Wednesday from 6-7:00 pm

(Meeker, CO)

Daily Mass:
Friday at 5:15 pm (English)

Saturday Anticipatory
6:00 pm (Spanish)

Sunday Mass:
English Mass at 8:00 am


30 Minutes before all Weekend Masses or by Appointment


First Sunday of Every Month

from 8:30-9:30 am

Welcome to Northwestern Colorado


The NW Tri-Parishes of St. Michael (Craig), Holy Family (Meeker), and St. Ignatius (Rangely) welcome you. Our Tri-Parishes are part of the Archdiocese of Denver, CO.

With God’s divine assistance, let us continue to live our Catholic Faith and bring the Good News of the Gospel to our corner of the State with our words and deeds.  With the help and support of the Archbishop and the entire Archdiocese of Denver, may we continue to grow in faith, hope, and love as we remain united in Jesus Christ, Our Lord.

Many blessings,
Fr. John Croghan, Pastor
Fr. Reinaldo Rojas, Assistant Pastor



Are you a new parishioner to St. Michael, Holy Family, or St. Ignatius?  Welcome! We offer you a way to register online.  Click the link below and follow these easy steps:

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  1.       Click: “New User?”
  2.       Find your church in the “Organization” dropdown tab
  3.       Enter your information!

Are you a current parishioner? The NW Tri-Parishes now offers a way for you to check donation statements, check Sacramental information, or to update your current information.  To begin, register by clicking the link below and follow the same steps as above.

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