Ministry of defense of souls called to intercede with faithful and constant prayer for the needs of the members of the church and the entire world, but above all, to attend with perseverance the needs that are found in the heart of God, our Father. Composed by a group of disciples of Jesus who, through training, prayer and discernment, seek to please and fulfill the will of our Lord.
Coordinator: Nancy Verdugo
Meeting every Tuesday after Mass
Nocturnal Adoration
Nocturnal adoration of the Blessed Sacrament under the impulse of the Holy Spirit, we configure ourselves with Christ to be true worshipers In Spirit and in Truth as the Father wants at all times we will allow ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit to unite with Jesus Christ, our model who in the garden of the olive trees experiences loneliness and abandonment. Praying to the Father for the sins of the whole world, the nocturnal adorer, at the impulse of the spirit, must pray and offer their suffering in atonement for their own sins and those of the entire world. That is the purpose of nocturnal adoration. Along with guarding and praying during the hours of the night to Christ in the Eucharist, to console his heart, offering sufferings in atonement for their own sins, national sins and those of the entire world, to bear witness to the faithful of that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior and that to Him, present under the sacramental atonement, he renders the cult of adoration that must be paid to God and promote Eucharistic adoration.
Coordinator: Jaime Esquivel
The meeting for Adoration is the 3rd Friday (women) and Saturday (men) of every month. The regular meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of the month (before de Adoration)
To take parishioners to an encounter with Christ through praise and worship with hymns, psalms and spiritual songs during the Eucharist Celebration.
Coordinator: Margarita Morales
The meeting is one hour before Mass (weekends) and sometimes when we have a special Mass.
Prayer Group
Current of grace originated by the Holy Spirit, which renews Faith, prayer and Christian life. Renew the grace of the sacraments, to serve in the Church and evangelize with the spirituality of Pentecost, with the Pope, and the hierarchy of the Church.
Coordinator: Benigno Landa
The meeting is every Thursday at 7pm but the day and the schedule will be changed soon (please see this point with Father John/ Father Reinaldo)