New Eden Pregnancy Services is unaffiliated with St. Ignatius Catholic Church, but offers confidential, Pro-Life counseling and education as well as material assistance, pregnancy testing, and post-abortion counseling. Life can be very unexpected at times. We understand the challenges that may come with pregnancy: broken relationships, family tensions, bad timing, financial problems, school, or even assault. There’s no need to make a drastic decision. Our purpose is to love, encourage, and educate pregnant women in need. It is our goal to equip them with accurate information to make the best choices concerning them, their baby, and their future together. We are here to help you along the way New Eden of Rangely, a completely volunteer, 501-C-3 organization, is currently seeking donations to start a new center in Rangely, Colorado. You can help by offering a one-time donation or a monthly pledge. Currently, we are searching for an off-Main Street location to rent or lease. We are asking for assistance in reaching our goal that we estimate will run $1200 a month for rent and expenses.
Rangely Address:
402 West Main Street
Rangely, CO 81648
Meeker Address:
345 Main Street
Meeker, CO
For more information: