St. Michael
Mission Statement:
We, the Catholic women of St. Michael, strive to build and nurture the spiritual lives of ourselves and others through our devotion to Mary in meditation and praying of the Rosary, other prayer, fellowship and acts of service.
With the fundraising we do, we not only support our parish with its needs, but are able to provide a college scholarship every year.
Watch the bulletin for meeting dates and for special events!
Meeting Times:
We meet the first Friday of every month except during the summer.
We pray a Rosary starting at 1:30 pm and then have our meeting afterwards.
For More Information, please contact:
Robin Schiffbauer
Holy Family
Mission Statement (Adapted May 9, 2016):
Under Most Blessed Mary’s patronage, with guidance from our pastor, we humbly seek spiritual growth, opportunity for service and enhanced bonds of friendship with fellow parishioners. Through prayer and devotion to Virgin Mary, with our time and treasure we will endeavor to assist and enrich liturgical services, social gatherings and activities at Holy Family Church.
Services Provided:
Praying the Rosary as a group and individual
Providing Altar supplies and suitable adornment
Providing organizational (in-kind) support for Funeral Dinners
Providing prayer support in home, hospital and upon request
Maintaining Holy Family Phone Tree
Welcoming/supporting new or returning families to Holy Family
Meeting Schedule:
2nd Monday of every month: Rosary at 6:00pm / Meeting at 6:30pm
Current Officers:
President: Kathy de Vergie
Secretary/Treasurer: Dondi Glasscock
Call Kathy at 970.878.3612 or 970.756.3612